Week – Wonderful Week

Mood of the Week: Seek but full of happiness. Had cold, fever, and tonsils grownup and that gave me throat infection. But as week started with a wonderful news of my best friend viren’s engagement with priyanka. And as I had great time with great guys last week.

Music that was poured: I found my Noor-e-Jahan singing Noor-e-Khuda and that was so blissful. Actually in this week I had lots of songs, which are now in my repeat list. But one song TUM MILE from same movie title also put me in such magical world. Some old songs of mukesh were also great to listen from great artist whom I count as great guys at above.

Best Music of the Week: “Inhi Lamhon Ke Daman me” song suited perfect for the situation and found totally great music that gave peace to mind. Rehman’s music in in Jay ho song was best for this week. Saiyan chu le jo tu muje pyar se, Mar jau me, from kailash khair’s one of the great collection was as equally great sung and I listened as best music for this week.

Best thing Happened: Train traveling of 5 hours and 45 minutes in semi night, oHhhh yeah that’s the best thing happened I must say that I enjoyed at it best. Had lot of fun and great fun during that journey. May be best dinner I ever had in this duration or this week.

Food of the week: Thepla and ketch-up and dahi. The great taste, a superb Gujarati cuisine that we ate in train, as I already told best dinner I ever had in train in this interval of time. Thepla were methi na thepla with added sugar in sweeter amount. But the taste was sweeter than the quantity of sugar may be because of the time and how I had this food.

What satisfied thirst: Music only and writing gave me silent cold treat and satisfied in life. Hot Water was the only cure of my thirst coz had tonsils grown up and could not drink cold-soft-drinks and even cold water.

Place of the Week: The best place was centere de square plaza where around CCD my thought that blazed us out and we burst into laugh at our fullest. But we enjoyed it lot of that thought. Some time not being into CCD but around CCD too gives great fun, and that was the really god time I had when I was on first floor of centere de square.

Book in this week: Blind Ambition by John Dean was published in 1976, and it is perhaps the most reliable of the memoirs that came out of the Watergate scandal. Dean's book is a chronicle of the way he was seduced by his blind ambition. He allowed himself to be convinced that, even when he was breaking the law and contributing to the "obstruction of justice" that ultimately led to Nixon's memories.

Thanx a bunch god, for such a nice and great world to give us to live. We Will be always grateful to you for such creation.

Thinking: wow i have really bad throat right now whole this week, This cold is killing me. i have no shifted my medicines after I typed this and…. can you type these all and sing a song on behalf of me? I like to think so. And I want to hear the song too.

loving: Office quotes, I now have standing jokes with my friends when we will randomly text each other quotes from the office and since we are all such big fans we know its quote and its a game where you have to send another back

some of my favorite office quotes lately:

"I have eaten so much left-over papers over the years, I dont even know from where it in such large quanities"

"In the islands they dont make you do stupid things like inventory"

"Fun fact. I share a some treats with one paji, so if i ever met Teri to i'll have the perfect ice drager"

"I want people to be afraid of how much they love me, But impossible thought that never came to my mind"

"Sometimes i start a sentence and i dont even really know where its going i just hope ill find it along the way"

WaterFull Week

Mood of the Week: Cheerful, challenged, as had really created the logics that gave better results to continue work. Started to count stars for my every happiness but didn’t had enough ticks to count instead of enjoying the reasons of that joy and cheers. Had lots of challenge in finishing cheerful work and enjoyed hurdling them.

Music that was poured: Pretty good week, but still it could go better if one repeat had. But new were also great that gave my ear a jump fills. Ohk ! So that “Ankho Ki Gustakhiyan Maff Ho” and “Mere Dil ka Tumse itna hai Kehna”. Song was though warned me sweetly but I had it serious in. And me Samaj gaya.

Best Music of the Week: Went to a pot of “Jankar beats” and had “Dil ne tumko Chun liya hai, Tum bhi Usko chuno na”, SO when heart says, and one listen that Dhak Dhak, obviously it becomes best music from the week.

Best thing Happened: I happened to walk and Run, the best part went During Run I fall twice in a day but had not a single scratch, Why I fall and where was even good, this one might be virtual fall too, coz I really don’t remember when, where and how I was fallen.

Food of the week: Kashmiri pulav, We went to Spice of India, and believe me we ordered the sweet Dish, though enjoyed, and but before that we had dal-fry-butter and half fried Jeera rice, As always I squeezed a slice of lemon, and taste was YUMMMM. Ha but the best was kashimiri pulav as sweet as its calm and silent vadia.

What satisfied thirst: Water at First only !Ankho ki gustakhiya gratified all wish, But here as to come on thirst diet coke gave me a taste, and after that friend bought fanta, and other brought sprite. The mocktail were finally rained in glasses and dropped out from the neck.

Place of the Week: Already said the place I enjoyed was Spice of India, and Enjoyed coz of waiting, on the holiday this usual waiting when Full of green around gives treat to many body parts. But thoughtful time and sincere discussion gave pace to time and brought us very early to the table may be best table from the place. Spices were everywhere, with their sweetness but only for some others.

Book Or my read: I flew with the flying monkey, A fiction of dream that I hope to make a reality in the near future, and as it seen best part is coming always with the best things. Another the fast to finish was A book but with two covers in it. “the third man and fallen idol “ colored by Graham Greene. Elegantly balancing suspense and farce, this tale of the fraught relationship between a boy and the beloved butler he suspects of murder is a delightfully macabre thriller of the first order and a visually and verbally dazzling knockout. Enjoyed Graham Greene’s razor-sharp dialogue; and mate’s dramatic use of light and shadow.

Water . A science . A need . A work . A tell :

Celebrated 22nd of march as world water day, sent message to some friends to wish happy H2O day. Save water and save future. I too went to neighbor’s terrace off course by crossing terrace wall parting build, to chock the tube which was trying to overflow water collector.

Water (H2O) is the most abundant molecule on Earth's surface, constituting about 70% of the planet's surface. In nature it exists in liquid, solid, and gaseous states. It is in dynamic equilibrium between the liquid and gas states at standard temperature and pressure. At room temperature, it is a nearly colorless with a hint of blue, tasteless, and odorless liquid. And as she says she tastes best from this great mixture of hydrogen and oxygen, really a raw material or initiatives to create flames. But its very true water has its best taste.

Save Water Save Life: Water crisis is one of the major issues that the world is facing and it is the responsibility, perhaps the duty of each one of us to contribute towards water management. Intelligent utilization of water resources is the need of the hour.

A New Restart

| Hi My World ! |

I'm not sure if this is suitable for myself, but I think of my more or less of writing something than an read not everything, so I would like to put my thoughts into this.I've tried over and over again to flow the urge to write, but I wasn't doing it since long. I want to get it all in on paper, confront it, stare at it, mold it into something permanent. I was vague and holding back the messiness of real living. I've done plenty of real living, I am just afraid of putting it into words. I am afraid I am going to be mocked or accused of something, not by strangers, but by the people who are close to me.Here Would like to give a New start to New time. As was a heavenly free in past i wrote from here and there.But Now Again thoughts stricken and put me into this Situation which I am really feeling like writing !

Thanx to my existing world with whom I live, share, talk, walk, eat, drink, play and live, For being my world and to give me place in their world. Ohk, Here I am planning to write for Me, my world (My Love, My Family, My friends, My relatives, My Enimies, Nature around me), My thoughts (Emotional, Logical, Psychological), My emotions (Love, Appreciation, Happiness, Hope, Enthusiasm, Vitality, Confidence , Gratitude, Patient, Trust, Vulnerable, Optimistic, Appreciative, Ashamed, Astonished, Fear, ANger, Shame, Guilty, Pride, Jealosy, Pity, Denial, Regret, Frustration, Envy, Anaxity, Denial, Sad, Worries, Grief)

Likewise, it's not evident that Feast, Spin or OMW would be better or worse if their respective write up took more time or less time to write them. I suspect in each case will took as much time as was required to write the or read the could . Before A time the words are not ready as always but; after that, spending any more time fiddling with the text would be like putting lipstick on a tree lips.

I may be lucky or simple-minded or terribly self-involved, but it has always been clear to me that the expressing the living come first to live the better days. I just feel this constant pull since was lonely, and everything else comes second with read and the search. I do not know how one duplicates that -- if one does not feel that constant pull, I do not know how one motivates oneself. But I apparently do feel that pull.

As my way to life is like It's better to be fast than slow;It's better to be good than fast. So thinking again to go on way till followed and will following. Wish my world to join me on the path and walk with me, run with me, fly with me, not behind at least.

I think I am finally at the point now where I am ready to move ahead and write what I need, I want, I feel to write, but how do I go about dealing lover and other who think I am what I write? But I have started and Write it to Write it.